Facet joint problems or injuries are very painful and debilitating conditions. Facet joints are found throughout the entire length of the vertebral column and enables movement to take place between the vertebrae (bones) of the spine. Facets joint injuries most commonly occur after a person has been in a bent and twisted position. The pain is immediate and sharp and limits a person’s ability to straighten or indeed move. While most of the pain is located in the central lower back region in some cases symptoms are also reported in one or both of the buttocks or legs. Movement or an attempt to straighten aggravates the condition while some relief can be gained by adopting a slightly flexed or bent position.

Despite the high level of pain and debilitating state that accompanies a facet joint problem, chiropractic care can usually achieve effective relief in a relative short period of time. Chiropractic therapy in this case involves a combination of chiropractic adjustive or mobilization therapy, soft tissue therapy, application of ice, interferential therapy (similar to a TENS device) and a prescription of targeted exercises and stretches.

Facet Joint Dysfunction, Walkley Chiropractic Group, Bunbury Chiropractor, Chiropractor Bunbury


Facet joint problems or injuries are very painful and debilitating conditions

While most of the pain is located in the central lower back region in some cases symptoms are also reported in one or both of the buttocks or legs

Facets joint injuries most commonly occur after a person has been in a bent and twisted position

Movement or an attempt to straighten aggravates the condition while some relief can be gained by adopting a slightly flexed or bent position

The pain is immediate and sharp and limits a person’s ability to straighten or indeed move

Despite the high level of pain and debilitating state that accompanies a facet joint problem, chiropractic care can usually achieve effective relief in a relative short period of time