Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition of the wrist and hand that results from compression of the Median nerve, vein and artery within the carpal tunnel. While it can occur in persons of any profession, it is most commonly seen in people that frequently use their wrist and hands such as office workers, carpenters and hairdressers. Chiropractors are commonly able to assist those patients suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with a combination of therapies that include Ultrasound, massage, interferential therapy, specific stretches and exercises, laser and manipulation.
Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be wide and varied. Most commonly sufferers will report swelling, tingling or numbness in the fingers that is most evident first thing in the morning. This can frequently be relieved by shaking the hands for several minutes. Other symptoms include morning stiffness or cramping in the hands, sharp pains in the wrist and arm, weakness in the hand, inability to form a fist and increased frequency in dropping objects.
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are wide and varied but by far the most common is repetitive and continuous motion of the fingers. Other known triggers are inflammation of the tendon sheaths as seen in arthritis, history of a fracture of the forearm and previous sprain or dislocation of the wrist.
In recent years there have been an increase number of people presenting with carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms. This is most likely due to a combination of factors that include an increase in computer use in the workplace, lack of ergonomic features in the workplace designed to minimize repetitive motions, lack of knowledge, education and proper training about the disorder and failure to understand that the problem can be corrected if the proper treatment steps are taken.
If acted upon early enough Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be prevented. Measures that include rest breaks during repetitive activities, job rotation, identification of at risk workers and conservative care like chiropractic, can reduce the likelihood of the condition ever occurring.