The activator is a small handheld spring-loaded instrument which allows the chiropractor to deliver a small measured impulse to the spine. Because the device is mobile the practitioner is able to accurately control the direction of any mobilization. Laboratory studies found the instrument gave off no more than 0.3 J of kinetic energy in a 3-millisecond pulse. The aim is to produce enough force to move the vertebrae but not enough to cause injury.
The Activator is very helpful when chiropractors are treating children, the elderly, patients in acute pain and anyone who would prefer another treatment option than the chiropractic adjustment.
There are many ways to adjust the spine. Either the Chiropractor’s hands or a specially designed instrument delivers a brief and highly-accurate thrust. Some adjusting methods are quick, whereas others require a slow and constant pressure.
After years of training and clinical experience, each Chiropractic Doctor becomes highly skilled in the delivery of a variety of adjusting approaches.